ToolAPI Managed Service

Amazon API Gateway

Create, maintain and secure APIs at any scale. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor and secure APIs at any scale.


Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic or functionality from your backend services. Using API Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs that enable real-time two-way communication applications. API Gateway supports both containerized and serverless workloads, as well as web applications.

API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, CORS support, authorization and access control, throttling, monitoring and API version management. API Gateway has no minimum fees or startup costs. You only pay for the API calls you receive and the amount of data transferred out.

Run multiple versions of the same API simultaneously with API Gateway, allowing you to quickly iterate, test and release new versions. You pay for calls made to your APIs and data transfer out and there are no minimum fees or upfront commitments.

Provide end users with the lowest possible latency for API requests and responses by taking advantage of our global network of edge locations using Amazon CloudFront. Throttle traffic and authorize API calls to ensure that backend operations withstand traffic spikes and backend systems are not unnecessarily called.

API Gateway provides a tiered pricing model for API requests. With an API Requests price as low as $0.90 per million requests at the highest tier, you can decrease your costs as your API usage increases per region across your AWS accounts.

Monitor performance metrics and information on API calls, data latency and error rates from the API Gateway dashboard, which allows you to visually monitor calls to your services using Amazon CloudWatch.

Authorize access to your APIs with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon Cognito. If you use OAuth tokens, API Gateway offers native OIDC and OAuth2 support. To support custom authorization requirements, you can execute a Lambda authorizer from AWS Lambda.

Create RESTful APIs using HTTP APIs or REST APIs. HTTP APIs are the best way to build APIs for a majority of use cases—they’re up to 71% cheaper than REST APIs. If your use case requires API proxy functionality and management features in a single solution, you can use REST APIs.

Use API Gateway to create HTTP APIs with significantly lower latency and costs than REST APIs. You can use HTTP APIs to send requests to AWS Lambda functions or to any publicly routable HTTP endpoint.

For example, you can create an HTTP API that integrates with a Lambda function on the backend. When a client calls your API, API Gateway sends the request to the Lambda function and returns the function’s response to the client.

Additionally you can use API Gateway to create WebSocket APIs. You can use API Gateway WebSocket APIs to build secure, real-time communication applications without having to provision or manage any servers to manage connections or large-scale data exchanges.

Targeted use cases include real-time applications such as chat applications, real-time dashboards such as stock tickers and real-time alerts and notifications.

Use API Gateway to create HTTP APIs with significantly lower latency and costs than REST APIs. You can use HTTP APIs to send requests to AWS Lambda functions or to any publicly routable HTTP endpoint.

For example, you can create an HTTP API that integrates with a Lambda function on the backend. When a client calls your API, API Gateway sends the request to the Lambda function and returns the function’s response to the client.

Additionally you can use API Gateway to create WebSocket APIs. You can use API Gateway WebSocket APIs to build secure, real-time communication applications without having to provision or manage any servers to manage connections or large-scale data exchanges.

Targeted use cases include real-time applications such as chat applications, real-time dashboards such as stock tickers and real-time alerts and notifications.

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