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Consumer Energy Solutions Boosts Sales with AI-Powered Call Transcription

Consumer Energy Solutions faced the challenge of manually reviewing thousands of sales calls to identify performance gaps and missed opportunities, which was inefficient and unscalable. Firemind developed an AI-powered system on AWS that automatically transcribes and analyses sales calls, identifying key insights and coaching opportunities, ultimately helping CES optimise call agent performance and improve sales conversions.


Consumer Energy Solutions Boosts Sales with AI-Powered Call Transcription

Consumer Energy Solutions faced the challenge of manually reviewing thousands of sales calls to identify performance gaps and missed opportunities, which was inefficient and unscalable. Firemind developed an AI-powered system on AWS that automatically transcribes and analyses sales calls, identifying key insights and coaching opportunities, ultimately helping CES optimise call agent performance and improve sales conversions.

At a glance

Consumer Energy Solutions is a UK-based, award-winning energy efficiency company that installs energy-saving measures such as insulation, renewable heating systems, and solar PV panels in homes, helping to reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability.


Consumer Energy Solutions struggled with manually reviewing thousands of sales calls, making it difficult to identify performance gaps and agent knowledge deficiencies. As a result, sales managers were unaware of these issues, leading to missed opportunities, lower conversions, and increased overall cost of sale.


Firemind developed an AI-powered system for Consumer Energy Solutions that automatically transcribes and analyses sales calls using AWS services. This solution identifies performance gaps, tracks key metrics, and provides actionable insights, enabling sales managers to optimise agent performance, improve conversions, and reduce costs.

Services Used

Amazon Bedrock
Amazon Transcribe
Amazon Comprehend
Amazon QuickSight


Improved sales conversion rates identifying agent performance gaps, CES optimised their sales funnel, leading to higher conversion rates.
Reduced cost of sale Automating call analysis and insights reduced manual effort, significantly lowering the overall cost of sale.

Business challenges

Manual call reviews led to missed opportunities and increased sales costs

Consumer Energy Solutions faced significant challenges in managing their sales process due to the manual review of thousands of call recordings. This labour-intensive process was both time-consuming and inefficient, making it nearly impossible to scale.

Sales managers struggled to identify performance gaps and knowledge deficiencies among call agents, leading to missed opportunities and unaddressed customer concerns. As a result, the overall cost of sale increased, and potential leads were not effectively converted into sales.

The lack of actionable insights from these reviews also hindered CES’s ability to coach and improve their sales team’s performance. Sales managers were often unaware of critical gaps in agent knowledge and qualification processes, which impacted the efficiency of the sales funnel and ultimately led to decreased sales conversions. This inefficiency not only affected the immediate sales outcomes but also had a broader impact on the company’s revenue and growth potential.

“In the first half of 2024, Firemind supported us in exploring and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of AWS Bedrock Large Language Models (LLMs) for our information extraction tasks on larger documents, while keeping or improving the quality. During this proof-of-concept, Firemind explored multiple LLMs and various usage strategies, balancing token usage and latency.

The outcomes were great: specific AWS Bedrock LLMs delivered a 40% cost reduction and twice the speed (at similar quality levels), compared to our current third-party LLM provider. Firemind's expertise and comprehensive approach have unlocked new technical opportunities for us that are both scalable and budget friendly.”

Mihai Rotaru, Head of Research and Development — TextKernel


AI-Driven call analysis boosts sales performance and reduces costs

To address the challenge faced by Consumer Energy Solutions, Firemind developed a comprehensive AI-driven solution leveraging various AWS services. The core of the solution involved automating the transcription and analysis of sales call recordings, which significantly improved the efficiency of the sales process. By utilising Amazon Transcribe, the system automatically converted call audio into text, allowing for easier analysis and review of agent performance. This process included redacting any sensitive information to ensure data privacy.

Following transcription, the text was analysed using Amazon Comprehend, which extracted key insights and sentiments from the calls. This analysis helped identify performance gaps and areas for improvement, providing actionable feedback on agent interactions and customer qualification. The use of Amazon Bedrock allowed for advanced AI-driven insights by processing the transcriptions with large language models, which inferred detailed information and patterns from the data. This enabled CES to pinpoint specific issues in the sales process and enhance agent coaching.

To present these insights effectively, Firemind created a visual dashboard using Amazon QuickSight. This dashboard provided CES with a clear view of key performance metrics, agent effectiveness, and sales funnel efficiency. The visualisations made it easier for sales managers to track performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions to optimise their team’s approach.

Overall, the solution streamlined the sales review process, allowing CES to reduce manual effort, uncover performance issues, and improve sales conversions. By integrating these AWS services, Firemind enabled CES to transform their sales operations, reduce the overall cost of sale, and enhance the effectiveness of their sales team.

Enhanced sales conversion rates

The AI-driven solution significantly improved sales conversion rates for Consumer Energy Solutions. By automating the transcription and analysis of sales calls, the system identified performance gaps and provided actionable insights that enabled targeted coaching. This led to a more effective sales process and increased the number of successful conversions, directly boosting revenue.

Reduced overall cost of sale

The implementation of the AWS-powered system streamlined the review process, reducing the need for manual call analysis. This efficiency not only lowered operational costs but also minimised errors and oversight in the sales process. As a result, CES achieved a notable reduction in their overall cost of sale, enhancing their profitability.

Improved agent performance visibility

With the new dashboard in Amazon QuickSight, CES gained real-time visibility into agent performance metrics and sales process efficiency. This clear, visual representation of data allowed sales managers to quickly identify and address performance issues, leading to more informed decision-making and better alignment of sales strategies.

Why Firemind

Firemind was selected as the partner for this project due to its deep expertise in AWS services, which was crucial for delivering an effective solution for automating and analysing sales call data. Their extensive experience with technologies like Amazon Transcribe, Comprehend, Bedrock, and QuickSight ensured that they could leverage these tools to meet Consumer Energy Solutions’ specific needs.

Additionally, Firemind’s proven track record with high-profile clients such as the Premier League and Vodafone demonstrated their ability to deliver high-quality, tailored solutions. This history of success likely gave Consumer Energy Solutions confidence in Firemind’s capability to address their challenges effectively and efficiently.

Firemind’s specialisation in data, machine learning, and generative AI also made them a strong fit for the project. Their focus on these areas was essential for building a solution that could efficiently transcribe, analyse, and generate actionable insights from sales calls.

Moreover, Firemind’s local presence in the UK allowed for onshore support and a more personalised approach. Their ability to offer tailored solutions that aligned with CES’s operational requirements further solidified their position as the ideal partner for this project.

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