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Anthropic Models UsedFinancial ServicesGen AI

First Central Enhance Customer Experience with Generative AI

First Central, a fast-growing UK insurer, recognised an opportunity to enhance its customer experience by leveraging generative AI and machine learning technologies. Embarking on a pilot project to integrate a generative AI platform with their call centre and customer data.


First Central Enhance Customer Experience with Generative AI

First Central, a fast-growing UK insurer, recognised an opportunity to enhance its customer experience by leveraging generative AI and machine learning technologies. Embarking on a pilot project to integrate a generative AI platform with their call centre and customer data.

At a glance

First Central is a fast-growing UK insurance company that is part of the broader First Central Group. They have a wealth of experience in utilising data to reveal trends, manage risk, and tackle fraud across its various business lines, which include motor insurance, underwriting, distribution, finance, technology, and legal services.


First Central sought to unlock the potential of its customer data to drive efficiency, improve agent performance, and enhance the overall customer experience.


Firemind deployed a generative AI platform that integrated the insurer's data sources and developed targeted solutions to optimise key performance metrics.

Services Used

Amazon Bedrock
Amazon QuickSight
Amazon DynamoDB
AWS Lambda


10x faster summarisations
300% more likely to provide accurate sentiment analysis

Business challenges

Always challenging the insurance market

Looking forward and recognising the trends around new AI and ML technologies, First Central recognised the opportunity to further innovate. A new goal was realised, though this time the source is not the market data available through public and 3rd parties, but in the customer data First central holds around their own call centre and within thousands of customer feedback surveys.

Firemind's PULSE tool was able to quickly and accurately summarise vast datasets of customer surveys, ensuring we could take action against any negative customer experience elements.

Dean Macfadyen, Data Platform Engineer — First Central


Scalable, secure and serverless

Firemind’s solution leveraged a range of AWS services to create a scalable, secure, and serverless platform. AWS Cognito was used for authentication and authorisation, allowing First Central to integrate with their existing identity management system. The backend APIs, built using Python and the FastAPI framework, were deployed on AWS Lambda and exposed through Amazon API Gateway, which also integrated with AWS WAF to restrict access to authorised IP ranges.

The data processing pipeline was orchestrated using AWS Step Functions, which coordinated the Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes, prompt engineering, and inference using a large language model (LLM) hosted on Amazon SageMaker. The call audio files and transcribed data were securely stored in Amazon S3, with optional GPG decryption handled by an EC2 instance within a VPC. Amazon Transcribe was utilised for the speech-to-text transcription, with Amazon SNS triggering notifications upon job completion.

To provide a seamless user experience, Firemind developed a React-based single-page application (SPA) that was deployed to an S3 bucket and served through Amazon CloudFront, ensuring secure and scalable delivery of the frontend assets.

Throughout the solution, Firemind leveraged Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform to provision the entire AWS environment, enabling efficient deployment and management of the platform.

By fully utilising the power of AWS services, Firemind helped First Central unlock valuable insights from their call centre data, empowering them to improve agent performance, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Fast summarisations

We saw 10x faster text summarisations of large datasets, ensuring a high level of accuracy against data garnered from call centre forms, surveys and feedback.

Accurate sentiment analysis

The tool was 300% more likely to provide accurate analysis of customer sentiment than any manual, human led analysis. Providing time saving potential for all human operators.

Why Firemind

“This was our first look into generative AI with AWS, and we were astonished by the fast results and summarisations using our own prompts."

Firemind was recognised as an excellent partner to explore this opportunity with AI and ML. The early engagement between First Central allowed Firemind to demonstrate the potential with a part of their toolkit; a generative AI demo that uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to reveal trends and opportunities from customer feedback data.

This demonstration allowed First Central to see what possibilities exist for leveraging their own data to drive efficiency and agent performance. Connecting a similar solution to their call centre and customer data proved how Generative AI and ML can achieve their desired business outcomes.


Workflow speed increase

1,000 documents in 12.5 minutes compared to 4 hours by human operator


Keyword accuracy

for leading categories within data modelling & training

Added value

We were also able to take all stakeholders on a journey concerning how Cloud Adoption and Machine Learning would benefit their customers and their business continuity, all in a 12 week timeline from start to finish.

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