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Anthropic Models UsedFinancial ServicesGen AI

Miller Insurance Unlocks Data Insights with Retrieval Augmented Generation

Miller Insurance faced the challenge of unlocking insights from the large volume of unstructured data stored in its OpenText document management system. Firemind partnered with Miller to develop a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solution, leveraging AWS services to enable Miller's employees to query the data using natural language and uncover valuable insights to drive data-driven decision making.


Miller Insurance Unlocks Data Insights with Retrieval Augmented Generation

Miller Insurance faced the challenge of unlocking insights from the large volume of unstructured data stored in its OpenText document management system. Firemind partnered with Miller to develop a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solution, leveraging AWS services to enable Miller's employees to query the data using natural language and uncover valuable insights to drive data-driven decision making.

At a glance

Miller Insurance is a specialist insurance broker that acts as an intermediary between clients and insurers, creating and exchanging a large volume of insurance-related documents and data.


Miller Insurance's OpenText document management system contained over 16 terabytes of unstructured data, making it challenging for employees to effectively leverage the data to uncover insights and drive decision-making.


Firemind partnered with Miller to develop a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solution, enabling Miller's employees to query the data using natural language.

Services Used

Amazon Bedrock
Amazon Kendra
AWS Lambda
Amazon S3


9/10 accuracy on claim file responses
Claude 2.1 superior model for summarisation accuracy

Business challenges

Underutilised Data

Miller Insurance stores a significant amount of data, around 16 terabytes, in its Open Text document management system.

However, much of this data remained underutilised, as the company was unable to effectively analyse and interpret the information contained within.

The data stored in the Open Text system was a mixture of emails, PDFs, Excel files, and other unstructured formats, with limited metadata available.

This made it difficult for Miller Insurance to understand the content and context of the data, hindering their ability to unlock new use cases and enhance decision-making processes.

"Firemind's PULSE tool was able to quickly and accurately summarise vast datasets of customer surveys, ensuring we could take action against any negative customer experience elements."

Dean Macfadyen, Data Platform Engineer — Firemind Generative AI Customer


Data ingestion, indexing, NLP and LLMs

Firemind explored the use of the OpenText API to access the metadata associated with the documents stored in the 16TB document management system. We developed a custom Lambda function to identify the different file types (e.g., Word, Excel, PDF) in the .dat files, which lacked metadata. The supported file types were then indexed using Amazon Kendra, a managed search service that can ingest and query unstructured data.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Question Answering

Firemind utilised large language models (LLMs) from Anthropic, specifically the Claude Instant and Claude 2.1 models, to enable natural language interaction with the indexed data. The team optimised the prompts and the approach of querying Amazon Kendra to improve the accuracy and relevance of the responses.

They found that the Claude 2.1 model performed better in describing and summarising the information compared to the earlier Claude Instant model.

User interface and interaction

The goal was to provide a simple question-answer (prompt-response) interface that would allow Miller Insurance employees, including non-technical staff, to ask questions about the data in plain language.

Firemind aimed to make the interaction with the LLM easier and more accessible, empowering users across different departments to reason against the data and make informed decisions.

Scalability and production readiness

The PoC highlighted the need for further data preprocessing and integration with the OpenText API to create a more production-ready solution for the future.

Model Spotlight

Claude 2.1

We chose Claude 2.1 for its superior summarisation and accuracy capabilities, achieving 9/10 accuracy on claims file responses.

It excelled at handling complex queries, providing detailed and context-rich answers, making it essential for extracting deeper insights from Miller’s large data set.

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Claude Instant

We chose Claude Instant for its speed and efficiency, making it ideal for quickly processing Miller Insurance’s 16 terabytes of unstructured data.

Its low-latency performance allowed employees to query data in real-time, making it well-suited for fast, iterative testing during the POC.

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Why Firemind

“This was our first look into generative AI with AWS, and we were astonished by the fast results and summarisations using our own prompts."

Firemind was recognised as an excellent partner to explore this opportunity with AI and ML. The early engagement between First Central allowed Firemind to demonstrate the potential with a part of their toolkit; a generative AI demo that uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to reveal trends and opportunities from customer feedback data.

This demonstration allowed First Central to see what possibilities exist for leveraging their own data to drive efficiency and agent performance. Connecting a similar solution to their call centre and customer data proved how Generative AI and ML can achieve their desired business outcomes.

Broadened use cases

Unlocking insights from previously underutilised data opens up new opportunities for Miller Insurance to explore innovative use cases, such as trend analysis, risk assessment, and customer behaviour insights, enhancing their service offerings.

Scalability for future growth

The scalable nature of the solution ensures that as Miller Insurance continues to grow and accumulate more data, the system can handle increasing volumes without degradation in performance, supporting long-term business needs.

Added value

With quicker access to relevant data, Miller Insurance can respond more effectively to client inquiries, improving customer satisfaction and strengthening client relationships.

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